I have decided to become a minimalist as much as possible. This is particularly hard for me not because I keep lots of things in the sense that I am a horder, but that I keep lots of things in the sense that I like to "keep my options open". For instance, I may have 3 different apps on my tablet that all do practically the same thing, but I like each for different features. Some apps I even just download once, explore a bit, then never use them again. This can also be applied to other areas of my life. I'm wasteful in some of my food (e.g. I'll buy a dozen eggs only to use half), I don't ever wear some of my clothes, or some books don't ever get read.
I am beginning a mission. I will try to cut out the parts of my life that are not used (or are rarely used) in order to better spread my blessings and wealth to others. I'll get rid of the clothes I don't wear, buy less food (or make an effort to eat more of the stuff I do buy), etc. Books are the only thing I haven't convinced myself to cut out. I'm trying to build a library of books so that I may share it with others and show others my...je ne sais quoi...personality? of books I like.
Along with this will come the Hunter-Gatherer diet and other implementations.
The Hunter-Gatherer diet (also known as the Paleolithic diet) basically states that I cannot eat anything that, bluntly, can't be hunted or gathered. This means any food that is more than one "separation" away from a hunting or gathering state cannot be eaten (e.g. bread, ice cream, cheese, cereal, etc). As some examples, I can eat eggs, milk, nuts, seeds, meat, spices, vegetables, fruit, rice, beans, etc. There is one thing that I am allowing (because I know it to often be healthy and because when I have these meals I often make GORP) and that is granola. Something else that is kinda controversial (in my mind, at least) is fruit juice (apple, orange, etc). The main idea behind the Hunter-Gatherer diet is to avoid processed food.
The reasons for this are four: an effort to improve on my life (physically, mentally, etc), to bring myself into a closer relationship with my Creator, to improve the ideas that others hold of me, and to prepare myself for my hike of the PCT (where the food supply will be restricted to much fewer options).
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